Saturday, August 8, 2009


I am getting better . . . All Glory to God!

Thank you to:

My network chiropractor
The founder of network chiropractic
My medical intuit
My therapist
My spiritual director
My energy worker/cranial sacral therapist
My holistic M.D.
Animals I’ve eaten
My church
My friends and family
Authors of books I’ve read
The Holy Spirit
The Earth
The Sun
The Moon
The Universe
My intuition

There are a lot of things I don’t know and I am still in the midst of transition, healing, and an intense learning process. But these are things I do believe at this point in the journey:

I’m going through a spiritual awakening.
I’m changing direction in my life.
I experienced an intense “kundalini” event.
My worldview/cosmic view is shifting dramatically.
I don’t know exactly how I will make a living in the future but I have the desire to add some skills to my social work/therapy foundation, including reiki/energy work, cranial sacral therapy and spiritual direction.
I apparently had to hit rock bottom to make this shift.
I’m individuating from my partner and becoming less codependent and enmeshed.
I’m learning that I’m not only sensitive, but “a sensitive” and how I can use this as a gift and a blessing.

And I am finding the world and universe so so fascinating!!!!