A few months ago, I had a feeling the parasite (Blastocystis Hominus) was gone. I made an appointment with my HMO to get tested, and sure enough, it was!!!! It took over a year to get rid of it, but my crazy-strict diet finally starved that mo-fo. I feel grateful to God, proud of myself, and overall much more full of energy! As for the diet, I'm staying on it for awhile for a few reasons-- because it's super healthy and feels good on my digestive system, and I still feel like I want to get my Candidiasis a little more tempered before I start eating things that those little Candida albicans like to eat again.
Meanwhile, I'm trying to make a better variety of meals for myself lately. It does take some creativity to not get bored with a processed-free diet. I made gluten-free meatloaf for the first time the other day, combining two recipes I found on the internet plus adding a few of my own ingredients. Here's the recipe:
Gluten-free Meatloaf:
.8 lbs. of grass-fed beef
1 cup of cooked quinoa and millet
1/2 onion
a little red pepper
1 celery stalk
2 garlic cloves
sea salt
It was soooo good. I'm still getting used to the taste of meat after being a vegetarian for 16 years, so covering up the "meaty" taste with all these delicious veggies and spices worked really well.
Here are some blogs I've been reading for recipe ideas lately too: