I've been looking for all sorts of jobs on craigslist and have found it interesting that none of the social work-y types of jobs have panned out. And I'm not willing to do the full-time case management jobs anymore so that doesn't leave much left.
So right now I'm a "Mother's Helper" for a family right in the neighborhood. I hang out with their ten year old (and sometimes their 15 year old too), I tidy the house, do the laundry and sometimes cook. I'm really enjoying it! I'm already head over heels for the 10 year old. It's such a fun age, and we have a lot in common. She sings in a rock band that plays covers by bands like the White Stripes and Radiohead. She's already way cooler than me at age 10. She also takes hip hop dance class which inspired me to do the same.
I've also got about four clients now for my "green housecleaning" business that I started after I moved. It's fascinating to see inside different houses and apartments and to observe how people live. Even just to see all the different kinds of people who live in San Francisco is interesting. Everyone's here for a different reason.
I feel pretty content. I just need a few more cleaning clients so I can make enough for our budget. But otherwise, I would be perfectly happy doing this until I get further on the body work career path.
Screw 7 years of school, I'm going to CLEAN!!!
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