Wednesday, January 5, 2011

happy new year!!!

My resolutions:
1- get my massage certificate
2- support my body in its healing process
3- support my spiritual flourishing

My intention is to get my bodywork business going.
My intention is to complete my intestinal healing.
My intention is to easily feel the craniosacral rhythm of myself and others.


2010 was filled with. . .

-cranial sacral therapy class and study groups
-massage school
-a raucous 29th birthday party
--playing with visiting friends and family
dinner-shares with neighbors
-cleaning houses and hanging out with random kids until I got the nanny job with my nanner Evan,
-watching Evan grow (3 months to 9 months so far!)
-continuing to lead prayer meetings at First Congo
-exploring our neighborhood and the rest of San Francisco
-exploring northern California
-Kool Cat passing
-hanging with friends
-dates with Dan
-going on my first retreat
-progressing farther than I ever have with network spinal analysis (light touch chiropractic) and watching my body reorganize and heal
-becoming an official member of FDB
-our CD release show in September
-practicing the newly-learned body work on friends and acquaintances

Gratitude. For a peaceful year, settling into San Francisco and beginning the transition to my new career!