Oops. . . It's been awhile. It's been a lovely summer. We've gotten to do a lot of traveling around the area- Big Sur, Davis, Napa and Santa Cruz. I definitely was not feeling up for any traveling last year so am very thankful for these trips. We've also been barbecuing, taking our hammock to Dolores Park, getting ready to release Dan's album, and bumming around the neighborhood.
Work-wise, my gig with the 5 year old ended in July, and thanks to God and the Universe for looking out for me (as always), I quickly got a new gig watching an adorable baby boy who lives right across the street. He was 3 months when I started and is now almost 6 months. I am learning so much about babies . . . It's like taking a class, and he is my lab! It's fun to watch him grow and change from week to week. If Dan and I decide to adopt, I now know how incredibly easy it will be to fall in love with an adopted baby. I looked down at this little guy the second week and was like, "I LOOOOOVE you!!!" I'm with him Tuesday through Thursday and definitely miss him the other 4 days of the week.
It will be an exciting, extremely fulfilling, and difficult era when Dan and I have kids. I look forward to it and fear it at the same time. But we both are sure it's not the time yet. So here's to this baby-less era full of self-discovery, self-growth, date nights, quiet evenings, a clean house, spit-up-free clothes, a ton of free-time, fun with friends and late night FDB shows! (Not that we won't have some of those things with kids, but probably a lot lot less.)
And also meanwhile, we are rejoicing in the growing babies of our friends and family- some in the womb and some already out! Woo hoo!! I'm going to be an auntie!!!
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