Wednesday, May 25, 2011

growth spurt

hey blog-
it's been an interesting year so far. I feel like I've been on a little growth spurt, since I made all those intentions around my birthday. Like I've said before, be careful what you wish/intend/pray for!

My body has been doing some "reorganizing." That's what they call it at the network chiropractic cult that I'm a part of. Quite literally I had a growth spurt the other night. Network chiropractic teaches our body to allow a spontaneous wave through the spine and it often will adjust (crack) itself in several places. After a particularly productive "unwinding" the other night, I felt like I had stretched so much, I had Dan measure me and I was 3/4 of an inch taller than what it says on my license!

And on the spiritual and mental side of things, I'm trying to continue to integrate new patterns of thinking and ways of being:

-still trying to live moment by moment, lead by the Spirit, my spirit, and/or body.

-trying not to be a slave to my to-do list, the one in my mind, not just the one written down.

-DOING things, sometimes I'll spend so much time making lists and plans but I won't execute them! It's time to DO!

-refusing to spend time worrying

-surrendering to the ebb and flow of life (oldie, but a goodie)

-playing around with the Law of Attraction (might as well!)

-trying to be my "soulself". that's what I've been calling it. trying to listen to what my soul wants to do instead of this crazy To-Doer. this mostly includes dancing and moving, singing, being loud!!, and being around nature.

-letting go, falling back into my body instead of trying to rush forward. mantras have helped me with this lately.


-taking my power back. not sure from who. probably my monkey mind!

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