Monday, May 30, 2011

making the leap

So a few weeks ago I made the leap and decided to start up my body work business.

Originally, I was going to wait on a few things, including being completely healed physically, getting my massage certificate (makes sense, right?), and having enough money to rent a space to practice in. I, being a human (AND somewhat of a perfectionist), wanted to get my ducks all in row before embarking on this new journey! But the Powers-That-Be weren't about to make this a neat little process that I have control over. Why would they when it was utter chaos that got me switch careers in the first place?

SO I made a facebook invite announcing that I was starting my business, stating that I was super cheap since I'm not quite official yet and am working out of my home. And business hasn't been too bad so far! I've been seeing about 1 to 3 people a week, which feels like a good start while I'm still getting the hang of everything . . .

And it's so fun!! I can't believe I'm getting paid to touch people! Sometimes I feel like a little kid playing "business." Why are intake forms and writing receipts so fun to me? :)

I've mostly been doing a combo of massage and CranioSacral. I might just want to do strictly CranioSacral Therapy someday. But for now, massage has been a good way to introduce people to CST, and it's exciting to hear people's reactions to it when we debrief after the session . . . "What WAS that? . . .I was feeling this and this when you were . . ." And then I get to tell them about the amazing world of CST!

Next week I start only working with Nanner two days a week, so I'll have the rest of the week to finish up classes and see clients . . .AHH!!! Here I go!!!

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