A couple Sundays ago I was scheduled to lead the prayer time at my church. The day before, I sat down and was grateful to have this flow out through me. (While I was writing, Dan was doing some songwriting, and also felt like he was experiencing direct Spirit-flow inspiration. Fun!)
As we head into our time of prayer and also along the lines of the "Let Go- Let God" theme for the month, I wanted to talk a little bit about what exactly we are letting go into.
So the planet is shifting. You may have felt it, literally. The Earth is quaking. Our actions are shifting the chemical make-up and temperature of the planet. People are rising up all over the world demanding that their voices be heard. In the U.S., a new presidential election is getting closer and people are in the streets fighting against corporate greed. . . And our church is shifting, yet again. Leadership is changing, and we are searching for a way to become financially sustainable. It's a scary and exciting time!
And people are preparing for and participating in this shift in a variety of ways. Some are resisting the change. Some are actively participating in it and propelling it forward. Some of our brothers and sisters are waiting for the end of the world. Others are preparing their hearts and minds for a shift in consciousness.
There are many different ways to react to change, and lately I've been thinking about and reflecting on how I want to be and how God wants me to be during this shift, and what my particular role is.
I do believe that God is here with us in the midst of it all. I believe that God is in control even while allowing for free will. (It's this weird paradox that I don't think our human minds can fully comprehend at this time!) I believe that God actually participates in this awesome Universe that God created, and we are living in the era of the Holy Spirit. And I think we should take advantage of this gift!
So instead of spending vast quantities of time worrying and planning and trying to control, my lofty goal is to live in constant communion with the Spirit, who already resides inside of me, and from there, be lead day by day, moment by moment, by that Spirit into that path and role that God would have for me.
The metaphor that I'm about to mention is not novel, but it's a good one. I always imagine a river. And when I'm trying to live by my own strength, I'm splashing around, maybe swimming upstream and even holding onto the branches that are growing over the river from the trees of the bank. When I'm brave enough to live by the Spirit, I Let Go. And flow with the river. . . It's so much better this way! The river still runs all over the place of course, bending this way and that, over and through rocks. But it's much easier than fighting the current. If I'm not doing things on my own strength, the possibilities are endless! My incessantly chattering mind is quiet and can actually hear the Spirit! I am at peace.
So that's my goal during this shift, come what may. . . that I Let Go, into the Flow and Movement of the Spirit. And from there, trust that I will be lead step by step, moment by moment, into what my role is . . . in my home, in my work, in this church, and in the grand scheme of things on the planet.
So today during prayer time, I'll pass the microphone around so we can name what we wish to let go of, what we wish to lift up to God, to leave in God's hands. Whether it is a family member we are worried about and obsessing over, or a personal issue, or a political issue that is close to our heart. And letting go doesn't mean that we don't care or that we won't pray for our loved ones, or stop working for a cause. But it means that we are acknowledging that we are not in control. And that we wish to participate in the exact role that God intends us to have. Nothing more. Nothing less. This is when the peace comes.
So as we pass the mic around, say one or two sentences starting with "I let go of . . . " or "I lay at your feet . . ." or "I lift this up to You . . ."
I'll begin. Let us pray.
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Spirit, thank you for your presence here with us now and in every moment. Give us the strength and courage to let go of our worries, to let go of our constant planning, to let go of our attempts to manipulate and control the world around us. Help us to let go of the tree branch on the bank of the river and flow with your Spirit of Life. Help us to learn to trust you and live moment by moment in constant communion with you as you guide us on our path. Thank you. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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